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March, Easter, Spring Break, Summer Camps &
June Holiday Camps Singapore

SPIKE Prime Camps 1-4
Ages 9+

  • Introduction to Lego SPIKE Prime robotics.
    Build and program robots with colorful Lego elements and a drag-and-drop Scratch-based programming software.

  • Learn the basics of movement and sensors. 

  • Learn and apply engineering design concepts, develop problem-solving and basic coding skills.


* please note: for best results, children should either be learning or fluent in Scratch​ Coding

Robotics Connection Year-end camp Spike Prime
Robotics Connection SPIKE Prime Holiday Camp 2
Robotics Connection SPIKE Prime Holiday Camp 1

3D Modelling & Printing
Camps 1 & 2

Ages 8+

  • Introduction to the fundamentals of three-dimensional design and printing.

  • Develop understanding of design thinking and key 3D design considerations.

  • Learn to use Tinkercad, a 3D modelling program.

  • Design and print innovative products to bring home.

  • Those who have completed Camp 1 may sign up for Camp 2 to pick up more advance techniques in 3D modelling and extrusion.

Robotics Connection 3D camp J1
Robotics Connection 3D Modelling and Printing Holiday Camp 1
Robotics Connection 3D Modelling and Printing Holiday Camp 2

Robot Inventor Camp 
Ages 10+

  • Introduction to Lego MINDSTORMS Robot Inventor.

  • Learn to construct and code robots using block-based coding or Python text-based coding (for advanced learners or pre-approved by instructors).

  • Build and experiment with different robots to carry out a variety of tasks and missions.

Robotics Connection Robot Inventor Camp 1
Robotics Connection Robot Inventor Camp 3
Robotics Connection Robot Inventor Camp 2

Xplorers Camp
Ages 7+

  • Children will work on fun and hands-on Lego robotics projects in the morning, and creative animation projects in the afternoon;

  • With Lego animation, first-timers will create a storyline based on a pre-planned project. Children can create some of their props with Lego elements. Repeat campers will get to create their own storyline, characters and props with Lego elements.

Robotics Connection Year-end camp Xplorers Camp 2
Robotics Connection Year-end camp Xplorers Camp 1
Robotics Connection Year-end camp Xplorers Camp 3

Robocamp Apprentice
Ages 4.5 - 7

  • This hands-on camp will provide children a fundamental understanding of Lego Robotics.

  • Children will first build a robot with Lego, and then learn to do basic programming to make it perform assigned functions on a graphical and easy-to-understand, kids-friendly interface.

  • We offer different themes per camp week in order of challenge for you to choose from.

Robotics Connection Summer Camps Robocamp Apprentice Lego Robotics Camp 1
Robotics Connection Year-end Camp Robocamp Apprentice 2
Robotics Connection Holiday Camp Robocamp Apprentice

Robocamp Junior/Senior
Ages 8 - 13

  • Children will gain a good understanding in Lego Robotics, from design, construction and engineering to coding and programming concepts.

  • They will build and code interesting Lego robots that perform different functions.

  • As children tackle more complicated projects over the course of the camp, they will gain competence in both engineering and coding, learn through creative play, trial and error, plus develop logical thinking and problem-solving skills, while having fun.

Robotics Connection Year-end Camp Robocamp Jr Lego Robotics Camp 1
Robotics Connection Summer Camps Robocamp Jr Sr Lego Robotics Camp
Robotics Connection Year end Camp Robocamp Jr Lego Robotics Camp J2
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